Monday, July 27, 2015

Heading back to Baton Rouge - June 16, 2015

The last morning at Space Camp was a sad one.  We finished packing our bags and said goodbye to our teammates and friends as they left.

Sad faces from Jamie Pegg and I was we waited on the bus with our luggage

At the airport we spent some time having breakfast and chatting with one another.  Final hugs and we boarded the plane.

Laura and I boarding the plane for Atlanta

I had a wonderful welcome home by my husband, Ben, who surprised me with this poster!
It was only fitting to dawn the flight suit one last time and hold my certificate in front of the poster.  
His real surprise was the newly refinished dining room table that was behind the poster.  It's even more beautiful than the poster.

Honeywell Educators at Space Academy was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.  My eyes were opened to the vastness of the Space Program, both in the past and it's future.  I'm inspired to start a STEM program at my school and have come home with resources to help do so.  I would also like to take a group of students to Space Camp so they can experience what I just went through.  

To my fellow STEM teachers, you have to apply for Space Camp.  

Click here for the link to the application.  It is due in early Fall.  Don't miss out!

Special thanks to Honeywell and its employees for sponsoring such an amazing opportunity for educators!

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