Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Space Camp- Day 1 -June 11, 2015

The buses picked us up at 7:00 am and took us to the US Space and Rocket Center.  We had breakfast that included eggs, bacon, pancakes, yogurt, cereal, fruit, etc.  It was wonderful.  I met the guy in charge of catering and asked him if he ever cooks grits for breakfast.  He promised me that we would have grits and we did the following morning!  Score!
Jamie (Missouri), Karen (New Hampshire) and I at breakfast

After breakfast was orientation from Dan Oates.  Dan is the director of the Space and Rocket Center program for educators.  During his talk Dan advised us all to wear clothing underneath our flight suits.  Apparently in the past they have had some issues with people taking off their flight suits without any clothes underneath.  Point taken!

Dan Oates giving the welcome speech

We then broke into our teams for the first time.  Team Zarya met with our crew leader, Jennifer Cheeseman, for introductions.  Jen has been through Space Camp and Advanced Space Camp!  We were short about 7 team members at the time due to flight issues.  They trickled in throughout the day.
Jennifer Cheeseman (left), Steve (center), and Jenn Dolph (right)
First on the agenda was a guest speaker, Ed Buckbee.  Mr. Buckbee is the author of the book, The Real Space Cowboys, which chronicles the Mercury 7 astronauts that lead the space program.  Ed knew these 7 astronauts personally and worked with Wally Schirra, one of the astronauts, to write the book.  He was a fantastic speaker!  We took team pictures with him too!  Ed also gave each of us and autographed copy of his book! Read about Ed Buckbee.

Greg (Poland) and I waiting for Ed Buckbee

Ed Buckbee

Ed Buckbee and Team Zarya
My name tag for my flight suit!

Next was a tour of rocket park.   Jen took us around and showed us replicas of the Saturn V rocket and the lunar module.  We also had the opportunity to ride Space Shot, a ride that sends you rocketing 140 feet straight up in 2.5 seconds.  You experience 4 Gs of force on launch, several seconds of weightlessness and a 1 G free fall.

Most of team Zarya in front of the Pathfinder

Replica of the Lunar Module on the "Moon"

Replica of the SaturnV rocket
Kaci (Arizona), myself, and Sylvia (North Carolina)

I'm on the right hand side, middle seat

After rocket park we put on our flight suits to take head shots for Honeywell then went to lunch.  Baked fish, fruit, salad and hummus with pita bread!

Next was a tour of the Davidson Center.  We had a docent who did a wonderful job explaining the pieces of space craft through history as well as the development of the space program.  The centerpiece of the Davidson Center is a real Saturn V rocket that is laying on it's side but elevated so you can walk underneath.  The sections of the rocket are separated so you can see inside the rocket.

Saturn V 

The Gemini capsule
Team Zarya with our docent
Team Zarya during the Davidson Center tour

After the Davidson Center we went back to the educational building for a visit with astronaut, Robert Gibson.  He shared stories of being a Navy Fighter Pilot, joining the space program, and his shuttle missions.  He also shared many photos taken from space.  Robert's nickname is "Hoot" and his wife is also an astronaut.  Read about Robert "Hoot" Gibson.

Astronaut Robert "Hoot" Gibson

Team Zarya with "Hoot" Gibson
That night was media night during dinner.  Honeywell's photographer, Hector, took photos of our entire group, individual teams, countries and states.
HE@SA 2015 - Week 1

Excited educators at Space Camp!

Mrs. Rath representing Louisiana at Space Camp!

Thursday nights at the Davidson Center are German Nights. German food, drinks and music.  Most of us went that night to spend more time in the Davidson Center and enjoy some refreshments under a Saturn V rocket.  Jamie Pegg and I also took that opportunity to take our picture in the command module.

We stayed for about an hour then went back to the doom to rest and get ready for day 2 of Space Camp!

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